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  发帖心情 Post By:2008/3/20 22:23:00





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  发帖心情 Post By:2008/3/21 19:51:00


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  发帖心情 Post By:2008/3/21 19:54:00

以下是引用ilovelassie在2008-3-19 18:15:00的发言: 



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等级:蝙蝠侠 帖子:866 积分:3804 威望:3 精华:20 注册:2008/3/20 22:14:00
  发帖心情 Post By:2008/3/21 20:28:00



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等级:论坛游民 帖子:54 积分:1008 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2007/6/16 13:30:00
  发帖心情 Post By:2008/3/21 20:39:00


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等级:论坛游民 帖子:54 积分:1008 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2007/6/16 13:30:00
  发帖心情 Post By:2008/3/21 23:35:00


    0 ~ 191:8*24,24节气信息,从冬至开始
  192 ~ 295:8*13,朔时刻,若12个朔,则第一个位置存0.000
  296 ~ 399:8*13,望时刻,若12个望,则第一个位置存0.000



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加好友 发短信
等级:版主 帖子:917 积分:7587 威望:10 精华:1 注册:2005/3/17 11:37:00
  发帖心情 Post By:2008/3/22 0:03:00

jyarmy 兄,您真够累的,10000多年。您辛苦了。望我们更加努力,让我们的农历更加准确,超过已加密的《日棱万年历》。




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加好友 发短信
等级:蝙蝠侠 帖子:866 积分:3804 威望:3 精华:20 注册:2008/3/20 22:14:00
  发帖心情 Post By:2008/3/22 17:20:00

(4)查表过程:Zn = chunFen+En = A+B*t+C*t*t+D*t*t*t+En

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加好友 发短信
等级:新手上路 帖子:17 积分:311 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2008/3/19 0:36:00
  发帖心情 Post By:2008/3/22 21:09:00




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等级:版主 帖子:917 积分:7587 威望:10 精华:1 注册:2005/3/17 11:37:00
  发帖心情 Post By:2008/3/26 11:11:00


Low-Precision Formulae for Planetary Position , TCVan Flandern and KFPulkkinen , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1979.

  • Astronomical Formulae for Calculators , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1985. Astronomical Formulae for Calculators , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1985.
  • Planetary Programs and Tables from -4000 to +2800 , Pterre Bretagnon and Jean-Louis Simon , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1986. Planetary Programs and Tables from -4000 to +2800 , Pterre Bretagnon and Jean-Louis Simon , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1986.
  • Fifty Year Canon of Solar Eclipses : 1986-2035 , Fred Espenak , Sky Publishing, 1987. Fifty Year Canon of Solar Eclipses : 1986-2035 , Fred Espenak , Sky Publishing, 1987.
  • Orbital Motion , AERoy , Adam Hilger, 1988. (C) Orbital Motion , AERoy , Adam Hilger, 1988. (C)

  • The Motion of the Moon , Alan Cook , Adam Hilger, 1988. The Motion of the Moon , Alan Cook , Adam Hilger, 1988.
  • Practical Ephemeris Calculation , Oliver Montenbruck , Springer-Verlag, 1989. (C) Practical Ephemeris Calculation , Oliver Montenbruck , Springer-Verlag, 1989. (C)
  • Elements of Solar Eclipse , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1989. Elements of Solar Eclipse , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1989.
  • Fifty Year Canon of Lunar Eclipses : 1986-2035 , Fred Espenak , Sky Publishing, 1989. Fifty Year Canon of Lunar Eclipses : 1986-2035 , Fred Espenak , Sky Publishing, 1989.
  • Transits , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1989. Transits , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1989.

  • Introductory Orbit Dynamics , FPJRimrott , Vieweg, 1989. (C) Introductory Orbit Dynamics , FPJRimrott , Vieweg, 1989. (C)
  • Astronomical Algorithms , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1991. Astronomical Algorithms , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1991.
  • Lunar Tables and Programs from 4000 BC to AD 8000 , Michelle Chapront-Touze and Jean Chapront , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1991. Lunar Tables and Programs from 4000 BC to AD 8000 , Michelle Chapront-Touze and Jean Chapront , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1991.
  • Methods of Orbit Determination for the MicroComputer , Dan Boulet , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1991. Methods of Orbit Determination for the MicroComputer , Dan Boulet , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1991.
  • Canon of Lunar Eclipses 1500 BC - AD 3000 , Bao-Lin Liu and Alan D.Fiala , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1992. Canon of Lunar Eclipses 1500 BC - AD 3000 , Bao-Lin Liu and Alan D.Fiala , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1992.

  • Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Alamanac , P.Kenneth Seidelmann , University Science Books, 1992. Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Alamanac , P.Kenneth Seidelmann , University Science Books, 1992.
  • Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics , JMADanby , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1992. Fundamentals of Celestial Mechanics , JMADanby , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1992.
  • Solving Kepler's Equation over Three Centuries , Peter Colwell , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1993. Solving Kepler's Equation over Three Centuries , Peter Colwell , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1993.
  • Analytical Techniques of Celestial Mechanics , Victor A.Brumberg , Springer-Verlag, 1995. Analytical Techniques of Celestial Mechanics , Victor A.Brumberg , Springer-Verlag, 1995.
  • Astronomical Tables of the Sun, Moon and Planets , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1995. Astronomical Tables of the Sun, Moon and Planets , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1995.

  • Calendrical Calculations , Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M.Reingold , Cambridge University Press, 1997. Calendrical Calculations , Nachum Dershowitz and Edward M.Reingold , Cambridge University Press, 1997.
  • Mathematical Astronomy Morsels , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1997. Mathematical Astronomy Morsels , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1997.
  • Textbook on Spherical Astronomy , WMSmart , Cambridge University Press, 1997. Textbook on Spherical Astronomy , WMSmart , Cambridge University Press, 1997.
  • The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues : Volume 1 : Introduction and Guide to the Data ,European Space Agency, 1997. The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues : Volume 1 : Introduction and Guide to the Data ,European Space Agency, 1997.
  • Spaceflight Dynamics , William E.Wiesel , McGraw-Hill, 1997. Spaceflight Dynamics , William E.Wiesel , McGraw-Hill, 1997.

  • Astronomy on the Personal Computer , Oliver Montenbruck and Thomas Pfleger , Springer-Verlag, 1998. Astronomy on the Personal Computer , Oliver Montenbruck and Thomas Pfleger , Springer-Verlag, 1998.
  • Standard C Date/Time Library: Programming the World's Calendars and Clocks , Lance Latham , R&D Books, 1998. Standard C Date/Time Library: Programming the World's Calendars and Clocks , Lance Latham , R&D Books, 1998.
  • Solar System Dynamics , CDMurray and SFDermott , Cambridge University Press, 1999. Solar System Dynamics , CDMurray and SFDermott , Cambridge University Press, 1999.
  • Fundamental Ephemeris Computations : For use with JPL Data , Paul J.Heafner , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1999. Fundamental Ephemeris Computations : For use with JPL Data , Paul J.Heafner , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1999.
  • The Orrery : Computer Models of Astronomical Systems , Caxton C.Foster , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1999. The Orrery : Computer Models of Astronomical Systems , Caxton C.Foster , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1999.

  • Astrometry of Fundamental Catalogues : The Evolution from Optical to Radio Reference Frames , Hans G.Walter and Ojars J.Sovers , Springer-Verlag, 2000. Astrometry of Fundamental Catalogues : The Evolution from Optical to Radio Reference Frames , Hans G.Walter and Ojars J.Sovers , Springer-Verlag, 2000.
  • Einfuhrung in die Himmelsmechanik und Ephemeridenrechung. Theorie, Algorithmen, Numerik , Andreas Guthmann , Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2000. (Deutsch) Einfuhrung in die Himmelsmechanik und Ephemeridenrechung. Theorie, Algorithmen, Numerik , Andreas Guthmann , Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2000. (Deutsch)
  • Practical Astronomy with your calculator , Peter Duffett-Smith , Cambridge University Press, 2001. Practical Astronomy with your calculator , Peter Duffett-Smith , Cambridge University Press, 2001.
  • More Mathematical Astronomy Morsels , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 2002. More Mathematical Astronomy Morsels , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 2002.
  • Space Dynamics , GAGurzadyan , Taylor & Francis, 2002. Space Dynamics , GAGurzadyan , Taylor & Francis, 2002.

  • Astronomy on the Personal Computer , Oliver Montenbruck and Thomas Pfleger , 4th Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002. Astronomy on the Personal Computer , Oliver Montenbruck and Thomas Pfleger , 4th Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
  • The Gravitational Million-Body Problem , Douglas Heggie , Piet Hut , Cambridge University Press, 2003. The Gravitational Million-Body Problem , Douglas Heggie , Piet Hut , Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  • Mathematical Astronomy Morsels III , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 2004. Mathematical Astronomy Morsels III , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 2004.
  • Fundamentals of Astrometry , Jean Kovalevsky, P.Kenneth Seidelmann , Cambridge University Press, 2004. Fundamentals of Astrometry , Jean Kovalevsky, P.Kenneth Seidelmann , Cambridge University Press, 2004.
  • Statistical Orbit Determination , Byron D.Tapley, Bob E.Schutz, George H.Born , Elsevier Academic Press, 2004. Statistical Orbit Determination , Byron D.Tapley, Bob E.Schutz, George H.Born , Elsevier Academic Press, 2004.

  • Methods of Celestial Mechanics Volume 1 : Physical, Mathematical, and Numerical Principles , JGerhard Beutler , Springer-Verlag, 2005. Methods of Celestial Mechanics Volume 1 : Physical, Mathematical, and Numerical Principles , JGerhard Beutler , Springer-Verlag, 2005.
  • Methods of Celestial Mechanics Volume 2 : Application to Planetary System, Geodynamics and Satellite Geodesy , JGerhard Beutler , Springer-Verlag, 2005. Methods of Celestial Mechanics Volume 2 : Application to Planetary System, Geodynamics and Satellite Geodesy , JGerhard Beutler , Springer-Verlag, 2005. 
  •     我至今还只有一本“Astronomical Algorithms”,即《天文算法》,从网上下载到的。


        1)  Astronomical Algorithms :, Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1991. Astronomical Algorithms , Jean Meeus , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1991.    (本人已有)

        2)Fundamental Ephemeris Computations : For use with JPL Data , Paul J.Heafner , Willmann-Bell,Inc, 1999.(这本书可以说是星历表程序编制的“圣经”级的专著,可惜我还没有找到)

       3)Calendrical Calculations: The Millennium Edition :  Pages: 460 ,Year of Publication: 2001 ,ISBN:0-521-77752-6 , Cambridge University Press  New York, NY, USA (本人没找到)


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