www.nongli.com 【字:大
* 月朔日即是初一
* 月以中气得名
* 以包含雨水中气月为正月,即是「寅」月
* 月无中气者为闰月,以前月同名
请从下述 Chinese Lunar Calendar
When a lunar month contains two solar Center Points, then there will be a month nearby without any Center Point. Such a month without any Center Point is not a Leap Month, is called a Fake Leap Month. Therefore, the lunar month 2053/03/20 07:12:00 in the March of 2053 is not a Leap Month.
Because this imperfection of Chinese Leap Month assignment, we need the 5th rule into the Chinese Calendar original rules.
- The new moon day is the first day of a lunar month
- The name of a lunar name is named by the Solar Center Point
- The first lunar month of the year is the Tiger month, which contains Rain Water Center Point
- The lunar month without a Center Point is a Leap Month ( Intercalary Month )
- The first Leap Month after a lunar month containing two solar Center Points is a Fake Leap Month and must be removed
All these five rules are good enough to make a nearly perfect Chinese Calendar. However, some articles about Chinese Calendar provides more rules. such as
- The Winter Solstice should fall in the 11th lunar month
- The Chinese New Year Day must be between January 21st and February 21st
- The 11th, 12th and 1st lunar months shouldn't contain a Leap Month
- If there are two Leap Months in a Lunar Year, then the first Leap Month after the Winter Solstice is considered intercalary.
There are no strong astronomical reasons to make those rules for Chinese Calendar. Actually, they are only thumb-of-rule to determine the location of Leap Months.
Some articles report the Leap Month is after 11th Lunar Month in 2033 of China Civil Calendar. But our calculation shows the Leap Month is after 7th Lunar Month in 2033.