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主题:介绍一个 星历计算程序

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介绍一个 星历计算程序  发帖心情 Post By:2008/8/3 0:17:00



   Permission is granted to copy, use, and distribute for any commercial

   or noncommercial purpose in accordance with the requirements of

   version 2.0 of the GNU General Public license.

       aa - astronomical almanac - calculate planet and star positions

       aa was written by Stephen L. Moshier <steve@moshier.net>.

       This  manual  page  was written by James R. Van Zandt <jrv@debian.org>,
       for the Debian project (but may be used by others).

                               September 4, 2006                

       conjunct - find dates of equinox or new or full moon


~$ conjunct

        Steve Moshier's Ephemeris Program v5.6

Planetary and lunar positions approximate DE404.
Terrestrial east longitude -71.1300 deg
geocentric latitude 42.0785 deg
Earth radius 0.99849
temperature 12.0 C
pressure 1010 mb
Input time is TDT.
2454709.3327 2008 August 30 Saturday 19h 59m 08.233s  TDT
2454738.8426 2008 September 29 Monday  8h 13m 21.010s  TDT
2454768.4687 2008 October 28 Tuesday 23h 14m 57.085s  TDT
2454798.2053 2008 November 27 Thursday 16h 55m 40.981s  TDT
2454828.0163 2008 December 27 Saturday 12h 23m 28.706s  TDT
2454857.8308 2009 January 26 Monday  7h 56m 22.920s  TDT
2454887.5668 2009 February 25 Wednesday  1h 36m 10.399s  TDT
2454917.1716 2009 March 26 Thursday 16h 07m 02.144s  TDT
2454946.6414 2009 April 25 Saturday  3h 23m 39.886s  TDT
2454976.0084 2009 May 24 Sunday 12h 12m 06.044s  TDT
2455005.3167 2009 June 22 Monday 19h 36m 03.962s  TDT
2455034.6081 2009 July 22 Wednesday  2h 35m 41.901s  TDT

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Astronomy and numerical software source codes

Astronomy Programs
Cephes Mathematical Library
Hexadecimal floating constants in C Language
Complex Variables in C Language
C99 Floating Point Pragmas
Engineering Applications
Catalogues and manuals
The Rubidium PC


This site has a European mirror at http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/www.moshier.net/. Please try that if you experience slow downloading speed. Also, for Cephes files you can try one of the Netlib mirrors listed at http://www.netlib.org/bib/mirrors.html.





  • aa200c.zip: JPL ephemeris reader; size 300 KB.

    AA200 reads astronomical ephemerides, in the data format produced by Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and reduces the barycentric coordinates to printouts of geocentric and topocentric place. Specific configurations for the DE406 CD-ROM from Willmann-Bell, DE406, DE405, DE404, DE403, DE400, DE245, DE200, DE102, and DE118I.ZIP ephemerides are supplied. The ephemeris data files themselves are not supplied; get them from Willmann-Bell or from JPL's ftp site. Answers for DE200 from this program should agree with Astronomical Almanac tabulations from about 1984 onward. Additionally, the program can reduce star catalogue positions given in either the FK4 or FK5 system. It can also find positions from heliocentric orbital elements. Source code listings in C language are supplied with MSDOS (Microsoft and Borland compilers) and Unix make files. The archive includes an MSDOS executable program configured for the new Willmann-Bell CD ROM. Latest update 2005-02-26.

    Current version aa200c.zip
    Previous version aa200b.zip


  • aa200-118.zip: DE118I ephemeris reader; size 82 KB.

    MS-DOS binary executable program AA200.EXE to read ephemeris files generated by the de118i.zip numerical integrator (which see, below). aa200c.zip contains the source code.


  • aa-56.zip: Self-contained ephemeris calculator; size 425 KB.

    C program computes ephemerides of Sun, Moon, planets, comets, and stars using rigorous reduction methods from the _Astronomical Almanac_ and related sources. Includes PLAN404 series (see below) for positions of the planets, and a long-term extension of modern Lunar theory for the Moon's position. Reads ASCII file catalogues of stars and orbital elements. Displays all adjustments as it finds local azimuth and elevation, rise and set times, etc. Windows or MSDOS (Microsoft and Borland), Unix, VAX make files. Archive includes MSDOS executable program. Latest update 2008-09-21.

    This program has been "Debianized" and made available in Debian Linux together with an aa (1) Unix manual page. See: http://packages.debian.org/testing/science/astronomical-almanac

    Further details on aa-56.zip.

    Previous version aa-56-20060902.zip

    AAPDP.ARC: Antique version for PDP-11 minicomputer


  • selenog.zip: Lunar librations and selenographic coordinates per DE404; size 33 KB.

    Trigonometric series for the rotational Euler angles of the moon. Precision 0.05" from -1369 to +2950. Example program computes selenographic coordinates, longitude and latitude of the earth and sun.


  • de118i-2.zip: DE118/DE200 ephemeris; size 258KB.

    N-body numerical integration of the Moon and planets uses either 80-bit extended real or 64-bit arithmetic. Physics model includes oblateness of the Earth and Moon, Earth tides, Lunar librations, relativity corrections, and 5 asteroids. With 80-bit support it reproduces the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's DE200 ephemeris to an extremely high precision. C source program tested on Windows, MSDOS, VAX, Sun, 680x0. Version de118i-2 works with the gcc-3.4 compiler. It also has build scripts for Microsoft Visual C++ and Borland C++ Builder. Extra user-defined bodies, such as asteroids, can be included. Last rev: 2004-05-13

    Further details on de118i-2.zip.

    Previous version de118i-1.zip:

    Original version de118i.zip:


  • euler.zip: Euler Angles, Orbits, and Precession; size 8KB.

    Tutorial essay linking orbital elements, precession, and the rotational Euler angles of mechanics. Example C program computes precession of an orbital element set between two epochs.


  • plan404.zip: The planets according to DE404; size 101KB.

    This archive contains trigonometric series for the motions of the nine planets, adjusted for a best fit to JPL's DE404 Long (3000 B.C. to 3000 A.D) Ephemeris. The series give heliocentric ecliptic coordinates with precision ranging from about 0.1 arc second for the Earth to 1 arc second for Pluto. A supplied example program reads Julian date and prints an ephemeris for all the planets referred to the ecliptic of date. Currently recommended precession formulas (Williams, 1994) are included. These expansions are the ones used in aa-56.zip, above.


  • cmoon.zip: Lunar theory adjusted to DE404 ephemeris; size 30KB.

    According to JPL's DE404 long ephemeris, in 3000 B.C. the Moon was a large fraction of a degree away from where DE200 says it was. This version of cmoon.c adjusts the ELP2000-85 analytical Lunar theory of Chapront-Touze and Chapront to fit the new JPL ephemeris on the interval from 3000 B.C. to 3000 A.D. with a precision of about 0.1 arc minute. Note, for dates more recent than 1300 B.C. the ephemeris in aa-56.zip (see above) is about an order of magnitude more precise. This archive also includes a second program that extends the ELP2000-85 analytical lunar theory to cover a 22,000-year interval centered at J2000, based on the DE200 physics model. Last change: 2002-07-08.


  • newmoontab.zip: Table of New Moon Dates; size 1347KB.

    Date and time of each new moon from 3000 B.C. to 3000 A.D. according to DE406. Text file of Julian dates and calendar dates, on the ephemeris time scale, of approximately 75,000 events.


  • bns.zip: Bretagnon & Simon port; size 10KB.

    C language skeleton for incoporating Bretagnon & Simon's planetary tables into AA.ZIP. You must purchase their book and floppy disk from Wilmann-Bell (the book is "Planetary Programs and Tables from -4000 to +2800") to get the tables themselves.


  • emb.zip: Earth-moon barycenter; size 21KB.

    Trigonometric expansion for the location of the Earth-Moon barycenter. A high precision fit to DE102.


  • pluto.zip: Pluto ephemeris; size 10 KB.

    Trigonometric expansion for ephemeris of Pluto. Longitude accuracy 20" vs DE102.


  • brown.zip: Lunar theory; size 26 KB.

    Lunar theory (Brown and ILE). Longitude accuracy about 2" from 1950-2000. The expansion cmoon.c in AA.ZIP is better for ancient dates.


  • marso.zip: Mars ephemeris; size 29 KB.

    Trigonometric expansion for the ephemeris of Mars (Bretagnon). Medium accuracy (4" longitude), tested against DE200.


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等级:新手上路 帖子:3 积分:234 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2008/8/2 20:58:00
  发帖心情 Post By:2008/11/11 22:45:00


~$ conjunct
程序 'conjunct' 尚未安装。  您可以通过输入以下命令安装:
sudo apt-get install astronomical-almanac
bash: conjunct:找不到命令


astronomical almanac - calculate planet and star positions
The aa program computes the orbital positions of planetary bodies and
performs rigorous coordinate reductions to apparent geocentric and
topocentric place (local altitude and azimuth).  It also reduces star
catalogue positions given in either the FK4 or FK5 system.  Data for
the 57 navigational stars is included.  Most of the algorithms
employed are from The Astronomical Almanac (AA) published by the
U.S. Government Printing Office.

The aa program follows the rigorous algorithms for reduction of
celestial coordinates exactly as laid out in current editions of
the Astronomical Almanac.  The reduction to apparent geocentric
place has been checked by a special version of the program (aa200)
that takes planetary positions directly from the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory DE200 numerical integration of the solar system. The
results agree exactly with the Astronomical Almanac tables from
1987 onward (earlier Almanacs used slightly different reduction

Certain computations, such as the correction for nutation,
are not given explicitly in the AA but are referenced there. In
these cases the program performs the full computations that are
used to construct the Almanac tables (references are provided).

Homepage: http://www.moshier.net/

~$ conjunct

    Steve Moshier's Ephemeris Program v5.6

Planetary and lunar positions approximate DE404.
Terrestrial east longitude -71.1300 deg
geocentric latitude 42.0785 deg
Earth radius 0.99849
temperature 12.0 C
pressure 1010 mb
Input time is TDT.
2454798.2053 2008 November 27 Thursday 16h 55m 40.981s  TDT
2454828.0163 2008 December 27 Saturday 12h 23m 28.706s  TDT
2454857.8308 2009 January 26 Monday  7h 56m 22.920s  TDT
2454887.5668 2009 February 25 Wednesday  1h 36m 10.399s  TDT
2454917.1716 2009 March 26 Thursday 16h 07m 02.144s  TDT
2454946.6414 2009 April 25 Saturday  3h 23m 39.886s  TDT
2454976.0084 2009 May 24 Sunday 12h 12m 06.044s  TDT
2455005.3167 2009 June 22 Monday 19h 36m 03.962s  TDT
2455034.6081 2009 July 22 Wednesday  2h 35m 41.901s  TDT
2455063.9185 2009 August 20 Thursday 10h 02m 41.337s  TDT
2455093.2815 2009 September 18 Friday 18h 45m 25.194s  TDT
2455122.7321 2009 October 18 Sunday  5h 34m 11.485s  TDT

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介绍一个 星历计算程序
