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文学作品翻译:周海亮《钱的另一种价值》  发帖心情 Post By:2018/8/11 14:04:00


AnotherValue of Money
Zhou Hailiang
I spent 30 yuan (RMB) for amelon. When I ate it at home I found it more bitter than sweet. Iwas reluctantto throw it away for it cost me money after all. But to eat it was a painfulthing nobetter than tasting goldthread.
Things like this occur frequentlyin one’s daily life. For example, when going on a tour one fails tofind thepleasure one seeks. On the contrary, one is so uncomfortable as if on pinsandneedles. In such a case one would like to return immediately. But most touristsstill chooseto continue their way until they finish visiting all the scenicspots, though they do not quiteenjoy them.
If you give up, you’ll getnothing; you would have spent money in vain. If you don’t give up,what you’vegot is something to cause you suffering or pain, or even disaster. Since that’sthecase, why are you still reluctant to part with it? The only reason is: itmeans money.
To pursue the question to thebottom, what value does money contain after all? Its value isnone other thanthe following two aspects: (1) it can be used for one’s living; (2) it can beusedfor one’s daily life. When a sum of money that should be able to obtainjoy or enjoyment isdestined to fail the purpose, isn’t it wise to give it up?Isn’t it a sort of wisdom for money-spending or even for behaving oneself?
To abandon and forget a sum ofmoney that’s doomed to be void of value or to produce negative values can becounted as another value of money. Isn’t it so?

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