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Shade sail  发帖心情 Post By:2008/12/24 17:19:00

Shade sail

Shade sail (also known as light-fan, in particular the use of it comes from sources other than when the sun) is a great use of film lenses to solar radiation pressure as the spacecraft propulsion of a plan. Radiation pressure is not only a very small, but the sun is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, but different from the rockets, solar sails do not need fuel. Although a small advance force, but as long as the sun continued to shine, solar sails can continue to function.

Solar collectors, temperature control panel under the sun and the shade of a tree can be considered as a special fan of the sun, solar sails can help in orbit spacecraft flight attitude adjustment on the track or to do a small amount of spent fuel without the need to amend , And by other means have to consume fuel in order to manipulate or control the flight profile. There have been some small-scale, purpose-built solar sails have been tried. A number of unmanned spacecraft, like Pioneer 10, was the success of these technologies in order to extend the duration of the use of the product.

Solar sails of the scientific evidence has been good, but to deal with large-scale solar sail technology is not mature enough, mission planners do not shopping bagswant to make a hasty investment under the millions of budget to the development of solar sails to manipulate the structure. Such mentality overlook some zealous non-governmental organizations attempting to private development, such as the universe's No. 1 program.

Sun is a fan of the concept of the 17th century German astronomer Kepler first proposed by [1], to be in the latter part of 1920, Froebel and Germany nike shoesaccounted for nearly 10 years of practice before spinning again put forward this idea.

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Shade sail
