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-- 作者:天译时代 -- 发布时间:2018/9/7 10:26:00 -- 诗歌翻译:纳兰性德-《风流子·秋郊即事》英文译文 《风流子·秋郊即事》为清代词人纳兰性德的作品。上片描写秋天郊外之景,突出其空廓凋零;下片则是表达了词人慷慨激烈的壮怀和伤春悲秋、忆昔怀旧的情绪,并抒发了岁月空老、平生不得志的身世之叹。 《风流子·秋郊即事》 纳兰性德 《风流子·秋郊即事》 纳兰性德 平原草枯矣。重阳后、黄叶树骚骚。记玉勒青丝,落花时节,曾逢拾翠,忽听吹箫。今来是、烧痕残碧尽,霜影乱红凋。秋水映空,寒烟如织,皂雕飞处,天惨零高。 人生须行乐,君知否?容易两鬓萧萧。自与东君作别,铲地无耶。算功名何许?此身博得,短衣射虎,沽酒西郊。便向夕阳影里,倚马挥亳。 Tune: "Song of a Dandy" Hunting in Autumn Na-lan Hsing-te Withered grass on the plain. After the Festival of Double Nines From trees yellow leaves begin to flutter down. I recall the jade bridle, my hair all black, the season of fallen blossoms, And people gathering kingfisher feathers; Suddenly I remember the notes of a flute. But now there are only parched traces of the green that is gone, Everywhere, shadows of frost on faded swirls of red; Autumn waters reflecting the sky, Chilling mist like a brocade, Where the vultures fly, The sky is somber, the clouds are high. A man must take his pleasure, Don\'t you know, Easily the temples turn gray? Since I\'ve parted from the east wind, I\'ve suddenly grown crestfallen. Why should I care for fame? All my life, I have worn a short cloak and shot at tigers, Bought wine in the western suburb; But I\'ll turn toward the sun\'s setting rays And, leaning on my horse, put on a hero\'s air. |