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-- 作者:天译时代 -- 发布时间:2018/4/13 11:16:00 -- 文学作品翻译:郑愁予《晨》 郑愁予 《晨》 鸟声敲过我的窗,琉璃质的罄声 一夜的雨露浸润过,我梦里的蓝袈裟 已挂起在墙外高大的旅人木 清晨像蹑足的女孩子,来到 窥我少年时的剃度,以一种婉惜 一种沁凉的肤触,说,我即归去 Morning Zheng Chouyu The song of birds has knocked on my window, sounding like glazed inverted bells All through the night raindrops have moistened the blue monk’s habit in my dream Now hanging from the tall banana tree outside Early morning, like a little girl on tiptoe, has come To peep at the tonsure of my youth with a kind of regret A touch cool to the skin, saying, “Oh, to go home now!” |